Insulating a property in Guernsey | Guernsey Electricity

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Helping you spend less on your heating this winter.

Whether you heat your home with electric, oil, gas or solid fuel - sealing the gaps with insulation will help you make some significant savings. Let us show you how. 

Attic Insulation
Heating bill through the roof?

Out of sight, out of mind. 

Sometimes areas that generate the biggest savings with home insulation aren’t the places you’d visit often, like your roof - where 25% of your heat can be lost.

Did you know attic insulation is one of the easiest and cheapest ways you can make big savings through insulation? 

Let’s take a trip to the attic and spend 2-minutes exploring which type of roof insulation could be best for your home. 

Window Insulation
Money going out the window?

Already got double glazing and think you're sorted? Your windows may no longer be doing their job properly. 

Windows can account for an eye-watering 25% of your property heat loss, and are one of the most common places we lose heat without realising. Depending when your home was built, you can optimise your insulation in different ways - and it doesn't all need to cost the earth. 

Allow us less than 2 minutes to walk you through some little things to look out for to make sure you're not wasting money unknowingly. 

Floor Insulation
Don't let savings slip through the cracks

Did you know that up to 15% of home heat loss comes from flooring, and another 15% from draughts?

The way hot and cold air exchanges (i.e. how quickly warm air can be replaced with cold) has a big impact on your bill - so seal all those draughts! It's worth the effort. 

A well-insulated home is key to keeping you cosy, your heating costs low, and having a smaller carbon footprint.

Let us show you how you can insulate your floor and stop those draughts from helping themselves to your money.  



Pipe insulation
Get your bill to pipe down

Have you got any exposed pipes in your house or attic? We'll show you how to save money straight away. 

Plus, those exposed pipes in the attic could burst if it gets very cold. 

Your pipes and water cylinder might not be your first thought when it comes to saving money, but some inexpensive insulation in these areas will help cut bills and avoid potentially disastrous leaks in winter.

We'll pop down to the boiler cupboard to see how insulation could help stop draining money from your wallet. 

Door Insulation
Close the door on unnecessary spending
A door is perhaps the last thing you'd think about insulating. But it could still be spending hard-earned money on your behalf. And there's better things to spend money on than wasted energy. 

A cosy, cost-effective home starts at the entrance with a well-insulated door. Depending on what your door is made of, there will be different ways to best insulate the space and get your home energy efficient.

Let's explore what to do with your door 

Wall Insulation
Heating bills up against the wall

Uninsulated walls account for a massive 35% of your home's heat loss, which is why you might sometimes feel trapped by high heating bills when winter comes around. 

Although a more pricey investment in your property, wall insulation will certainly be the most effective way to cut down energy waste in your home. 

Wall insulation wasn’t a regulation in builds until the early 1990's, so many of our islands’ homes may not have the most optimal insulation. There are a few options though, regardless of when your property was built.

We’ll take a look at them in this short video.



  • Home Heat Loss Hacks

    Not able to invest in insulation at the moment? There's still lots of small tricks to cutting your heating bills so you can start saving today. 

  • Why insulate your home?

    There's not much info out there specific to insulating properties in Guernsey. So we've done some investigating and put together this article to help make things a bit easier. 

WhaT cAn I dO right nOw?

Seal all your draughts. Heat works like a magnet and is drawn to cold areas such as metal and windows, meaning an open outlet to the cold outdoor air is like a tap draining money from your property. 

Let us do it for you

Book in one of our energy savers who will audit your property and let you know exactly where you could be saving money 

Home Energy Saving Audit