Equality in the Sustainable Energy Transition | Guernsey Electricity

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Equality in the Sustainable Energy Transition

With a crisis as big as climate change, our planet needs diversity. But is the world achieving the right representation in renewables and energy?

To help make the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals a reality, there must be gender equality in the sustainable energy transition.

Gender equality – defined as a situation where access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender – plays a critical role in the transition to sustainable energy. At Guernsey Electricity, we welcome those of all gender identities to create a fully inclusive workforce that supports the transition to a more sustainable future. The energy transition creates opportunities and potential benefits for all with more and more successful female-led initiatives and projects in the new energy space – particularly at community level.

“Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” UN Sustainable Development Goal No 5

To be just, the energy transition must include and empower women | United Nations Development Programme (undp.org)

What is the Sustainable Energy Transition?

The Energy Transition refers to the global energy sector’s shift from fossil-fuel based systems of energy production and consumption, such as coal, gas and oil, to renewable energy sources such as hydro, wind and solar.

S&P Global

The success of the energy transition will depend on how quickly all communities that make up the global energy sector can transition from fossil-fuel based energy dependence to net-zero carbon sources, aiming to halve greenhouse gas emissions by 2030.  

By increasing the penetration of renewable energy sources into the energy supply mix, we can use the electrification of our modern world as a key driver for the sustainable energy transition.

Why does it benefit the sector to increase diversity?

According the Regenewire, the gender pay gap will close in 2041, increasing the female earning potential by £90 billion. By fully utilising returning female professionals, the UK's GDP could be boosted by £1.7 billion, with top companies for gender diversity being 21% more likely to have above-average profitability. 

In terms of senior management, a 10% increase in female representation has demonstrated a 3.5% increase in UK company returns. And in terms of recruitment, 84% of women in the energy sector would encourage a female friend to pursue their own career in energy, saving time and money in recruitment costs. 

Women in the Energy Transition

Women are also becoming increasingly active as SME entrepreneurs in the energy workforce which is having a positive impact on economic growth.

The conversation around gender and energy has shifted, from women being considered ‘vulnerable groups’, to being recognised as key change agents in their role as decision makers, innovators, consumers and producers across the energy sector.

“We need to do everything we can to encourage diversity in clean energy, for the simple reason that we’re not going to tackle a problem as big as climate change with only half of the population along for the ride. I’ve encountered many inspirational and entrepreneurial women in renewables and energy, but we know that representation is not where it needs to be.” Juliet Davenport, CEO and founder, Good Energy

Climate change solutions - ranging from renewable energy generation to rolling out energy advice services in homes - offer sustainable, inclusive growth and prosperity. And women will grasp more of their share of the expanding roles and career opportunities of this relatively new and dynamic sector as the transition gains momentum.

What is the current situation in the UK?

  • Nearly two-thirds of leading energy companies have no women on their boards. See Guernsey Electricity's Board
  • 55% of women working in clean energy are the primary wage earner for their families
  • 31% of women value career development over job security or salary

19% of women in the UK energy sector work in renewables compared to 10% globally 

Click to read more about the role of women as drivers of change in the energy industry 

The sustainable energy infrastructure is growing, with further investment in our own electricity grid here in Guernsey providing various career opportunities for women living in Guernsey.

Women in engineering

Our electricity story has changed dramatically in the last few years, with an exciting future only just beginning. In amongst the various crises, being part of our team ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all islanders today, and tomorrow.

But our energy infrastructure is not limited to cables laid in roads that bring electricity to islander’s homes.

Holistically our infrastructure includes managing the financescorresponding with customers, communicating decisions, managing critical projects, directing an SME, and opening up the local market for energy-efficient solutions - making clean energy and lower bills more accessible to more people.

GEL Customer Services

Why does it matter? 

The transition to renewable energy means reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

This forms a critical part of the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise this century well below 2 degrees Celsius. Progress in energy efficiency needs to speed up to achieve global climate goals, and at Guernsey Electricity we need human power to focus on change, every workday, to help make this happen.

“Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all” UN Sustainable Development Goal No 7

What we do at Guernsey Electricity 

As one of Guernsey’s largest employers, we promise we aren't all engineers and electricians. 

We’re also accountants, IT technicians, office administrators, energy sales executives, mechanical fitters, marketing specialists, customer relationship agents, facility managers, cable jointers, sales assistants, project managers, and plumbers. When we’re not at work, you’ll see us in your everyday lives, walking up Smith Street or shopping in the Co Op, and coming home to use the same electricity as everybody else.

We’re also customers; your interests are the same as ours.

Plug in to renewables

A career in the Sustainable Energy Transition

At Guernsey Electricity, our mission is to welcome those of all gender identities to create a fully inclusive workforce supporting the transition to a more sustainable future, right here in Guernsey. Here we recruit for various roles including:

Our diverse workforce spans many job sectors, working together to bring affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy to all islanders.

Would you like to be a part of a group of women in Guernsey supporting the transition to renewable energy and a more sustainable future? 

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