Looking for help?
We've answered some of our customers' most common questions. If you can't find what you're looking for our contact details are below
Get in touch
You can call or email each of our various departments using the details here
Department | Contact number | |
Customer Service | 01481 200700 | customer@electricity.gg |
Moving House | 01481 200700 | mh@electricity.gg |
Heating Solutions & Sales | 01481 200749 | energy.sales@electricity.gg |
New Connections | 01481 241915 | new.connections@electricity.gg |
Electricians & Plumbers | 01481 241984 | contracting@electricity.gg |
Electrical Inspections | 01481 200728 | Inspectors@electricity.gg |
Retail Shop | 01481 200789 | shop@electricity.gg |
Streetlights | 01481 200700 | street.lighting@electricity.gg |
Emergency Line | 0800 587 0285 | - |
Find Us
Where are we?
Address :
Electricity House, Northside, Vale, Guernsey GY1 3AD
What3words location daytime.army.mediate
Opening times are as follows:
Shop: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Monday - Saturday)
Customer Services: 8.30am - 5.00pm (Monday - Friday)
Reception: 9.00am - 5.00pm (Monday - Friday)
Contact Us
Please do not use this form to notify us that you are moving home as we will need more details from you to process this. Instead, please complete the house move form in the 'my account' section.