Help with your electricity bills | Guernsey Electricity

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Help with your electricity bills

If you need some help paying your electricity bills, our guidance page may be able to assist.

Electricity bills are an annual charge and for many customers, this is broken down into monthly standing order or direct debit payments.

Our statements are usually sent out on a quarterly basis and confirm the quarterly standing charge and the usage during that period. 

If you have a pre-payment meter, you will pre-pay for your electricity in the form of a top up and will not receive quarterly bills. 

Please note that the average customer will have higher bills following the winter period and far lower bills after the summer period. For example, a statement in April will reflect the high electricity usage during January, February and March, compared to a statement in October which reflects the lower July, August and September consumption. 

See our video about spreading the cost

I pay my bill by standing order. Why do I still owe you money?

In colder months, most customers will use more electricity than they pay for by standing order. This is because electricity usage generally fluctuates over the year according to what the customer needs, and during colder, darker months it's likely most customers take more electricity from the grid than they have paid for. 

After a period of lighter, warmer weather most standing order customers will pay for more than they use, meaning the amount owed to Guernsey Electricity across a 12-month period is re-balanced. 

If the balance on your statement exceeds 3 times your standing order payment - for example if you pay £50 a month and the balance owed to Guernsey Electricity is £150 or more - please contact us as you may need to adjust your standing order. 

Customers with electricity as their main source of heating will see the biggest changes over the year. 

Watch our video for an explanation

I've got credit on my statement. Shouldn't I get a refund?

If the credit balance on your electricity statement exceeds 3-times your standing order amount - for example if you pay £50 a month and your quarterly statement confirms a credit balance of £150 or more - please contact us as you may need to consider reducing your standing order payment.

Otherwise, it is advisable to keep a credit balance on your account as this will help you pay the electricity bills for periods of high electricity consumption. 

Why do I get a credit balance? 

During the warmer, lighter months most customers pay for more electricity by standing order than they use. 

This leaves a credit balance on your electricity account which can then be used to help pay for the electricity used during the colder, darker months when most customers use more electricity than they pay for. 

Watch our video for an explanation


Payment Plans

If you need assistance with paying your electricity bill, we will work together to produce a fair payment plan that suits you with regular, affordable instalments.

Using the information you give us, we’ll help find a solution that fits your personal circumstances. We’ll agree on a fixed amount, to be paid over a set period of time on a weekly, fortnightly or monthly basis.  

Some of the money paid will go towards repaying the debt, and some towards paying for the electricity you’re currently using. This way, you won’t have to find a big lump sum all at once – you can pay off what you owe gradually, at your own pace.  

Contact us if you wish to discuss a payment plan. 

We can also guide you on where to find independent advice locally and have an information hub designed to help cut your bills. 

How to reduce your bills


What happens if I can’t keep to the payment plan? 

If you find you’re still having trouble keeping up with the payments, contact us and we'll try to come up with a better plan. If you fall behind with payments again and don’t let us know, we may need install a prepayment meter. 

Contact us


Installing a prepayment meter  

A prepayment meter is like any other pay-as-you-go (PAYG) device, such as a mobile phone.

You pay for your electricity before you use it by topping up, rather than paying a bill afterwards. It’s an easy way to budget, clear debt and makes sure you never get any unexpected big bills. The unit cost and standing charge is exactly the same as regular bills and both are included in the top-up amount. 

With a prepayment meter, there’s always the risk of running out of credit meaning you may be out of power. But these days, most prepayment meters come with some “emergency credit” of around £2. This should be enough to give you another 24 hours or so of power and leave you with enough time to top up at your local shop.  

Top up locations

  • Candie Cache
  • Jeffrey's Garage
  • Iceland 
  • Checkers Express - Landes du Marche
  • Checkers Express - Collings Road
  • The Co-Op - The Market
  • The Co-Op - Forest

If you’re on a prepayment plan, some of the money you put in will be used to pay off your debt if you have some, and some will pay for your current energy use. We can work together to agree on a rate you can afford.  

Please be aware that there are some circumstances where customers won’t have their supply cut off, even with PAYG – for instance if you use a ventilator. Please make us aware of this when you first sign up.  

paywise locations

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