Electricity in Guernsey | Guernsey Electricity

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The source of our electricity

Where our electricity comes from

More than 93% of our electricity is imported from Europe from low carbon and sustainable sources. Importing electricity today is the bridge to tomorrow's technology and will enable more local renewables.

Our subsea cable is Guernsey's primary source of electricity and has delivered a 37.5% decrease in Guernsey's emissions from 1990 levels. But we still have some way to go before Guernsey is net zero.

  • 94%

    of Guernsey's electricity is imported using a sub-sea cable to Europe via Jersey. 

  • 60MW

    This cable can provide 60 Megawatts of electricity which covers all of Guernsey's electricity in the summer but a top-up is required in colder months.

  • 92MW

    is our highest ever peak demand during storm Darcy in 2021. We need to be able to provide this at all times. 

  • 37.5%

    decrease in Guernsey's emissions from 1990 levels since the cable was installed in 2000.

  • 100%

    of our electricity can be generated from our power station. This means currently our power station gives our background security of supply as it can provide all of the island's electricity if needed.

  • 300kW

    of local community scale solar PV has been installed by us since 2019

Importing electricity

Our imported electricity is sourced from renewable and low carbon sources such as solar, wind and hydroelectricity. 

 ‘Guarantee of Origin’ certificates (GoO’s) are the current market mechanism for driving investment in renewables. We are using our market power to drive investment to the right places. By increasing the demand for renewable and sustainable electricity, we reduce the investment into fossil fuels. The more communities that make this same choice, creating more demand for energy from sustainable energy sources, the more generators will invest in these technologies. 

The Future

Guernsey currently uses between 30MW (megawatts) and 90MW of electricity throughout each day. We expect this to increase in the future so we need to ensure that we can always keep the lights and WiFi on, and our homes warm.

Renewables for all

We believe that everyone in Guernsey should be able to use and benefit from renewable electricity. Guernsey Electricity has installed some of the largest solar arrays installed in the Channel Islands which feed more than 350kW of renewable electricity into the grid for everyone to use.