Cost to drive
Cost to drive in Guernsey
Our EV cost calculator below will help give you an idea of the true cost to run a vehicle today.
An EV driver can enjoy a much cheaper commute than the petrol or diesel driver next to them. And cost isn't only measured in money - the cost to our planet in terms of carbon emissions also needs to be considered.
Electric Vehicle Cost Calculator
Select Tariff
Select Distance Travelled (Km)
Cost to run
Carbon emissions
{{evEmissions}} KgCO2e*
Petrol / Diesel Cost Calculator
Fuel Type
Select Distance Travelled (Km)
Please enter price per litre
Cost to run
Carbon emissions
{{fuelEmissions}} KgCO2e*
Electricity prices can be found here. Our carbon emission data can be found here.
These calculations are to be used as a guideline only and are based on a number of assumptions